Challenges and Problems in On-Premise HIMS solutions


Nowadays hospitals are facing a lot of challenges while Implementing an on-premise Hospital information management system as well as many challenges even after implementation of On-premise HIMS. Few major challenges i.e  Implementation challenge,  data Security challenge, operational challenge, customer support challenges, system update, and new feature upgrade challenge. So have a look at each parameter in brief.

Major challenges hospitals are facing due to On-premise HIMS:- 

Implementation challenges

There are many Implementation challenges like manual methodology to collect & upload hospital data for solution implementation. The time of implementation is very high because on-premise HIMS is based on old technologies. Most of the time the Hospital IT team invests time with HIMS providers. Once the system is ready, the system needs to be installed on every device which is again a big challenge and time taking process.

Operational Challenges

Healthcare organizations are facing many operational issues because of the traditional On-Premise HIMS because of the services downtime issue, communication gap among all the departments and the reason for the communication gap is traditional HIMS, one department system is not integrated with the department. In case the hospital is multi-facility, the systems of both facilities are not connected with each other.So this will cause a lot of operational challenges among the IT department, management, physician, Staff, and Patients

Customer Support challenges

There is no real-time customer support in traditional HIMS. If there is any problem in the system, first it needs to be communicated to the HIMS Provider and then they physically visit the hospital and check the issue and resolve it. This process is time taking and sometimes the issue is not sorted in one visit.

System Updates challenges

There is no real-time system update in On-Premise HIMS. If there is any new feature update, the HIMS provider communicates it to the hospital and then they physically visit the hospital and update the system. If this is multi-facility then the same process needs to do with the other facility as well. The system update or new features update process is tedious. There is one more challenge that hospitals need to pay extra charges, which is new feature updates.

Data security and data lost challenges

Every time there is a data security issue as the systems as data is stored in local servers. So the IT department needs to take care of the data. The hospital needs to invest in specialized staff for data security. So that is an additional task for the Hospital IT and additional investment for the hospital. In case if there is no proper backup, then all the data can be lost and there is a lot of risks involved regarding data theft as well

Financial challenges

The Business model of the traditional HIMS companies is based on the OPEX model. The hospital needs to pay a lot of upfront costs to install the System and Monthly or Yearly subscription, as well as annual maintenance costs, also need to be paid by the hospital. And if there is any new feature update then again hospitals need to pay for the usage for a new feature upgrade.

Accessibility challenge

All the software installed locally installed within the hospital Premise. So the staff, Physicians, and other stakeholders need to depend on the hospital system. The legacy-based traditional system cannot be accessed from anywhere on any device. It can be accessed only to specific devices and specific places.

So we can simply say that hospitals are facing many problems because of the traditional hospital information Management system that will reduce the productivity of staff & IT Team and increase the operational cost because it needs to pay a huge cost for its maintenance. Last but not least hospitals required to pay the huge cost to install software, monthly/yearly cost, and Annual Maintenance cost.

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